All patients and their loved ones deserve care that is high-quality, patient-centered and equitable.

At Partnerships to Advance Cancer Care, our research is aimed at improving patient experiences and the quality of care they receive.
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Our Research

Partnerships to Advance Cancer Care (PACC) is a multidisciplinary cancer research group. We use health services and community based participatory research methods to ensure that cancer care delivery is high quality, accessible, equitable and meets patient and caregiver needs.
A smiling doctor in a white lab coat.

Who We Are

Our multidisciplinary team is comprised of patients and caregivers, lay health workers, oncology clinicians (including nurses, social workers, behavioral health specialists), patient care advocates, community-based organizations, payer organizations, and policy makers. We partner to transform cancer care delivery.
our team

In the News

Visit our knowledge center to view a collection of published studies and news featuring our work.

Doctors/hospital settingsBig Wins for Equitable Healthcare
Stanford Department of Medicine
Doctors/hospital settingsAgainst the Odds
Stanford School of Medicine
Doctors/hospital settingsCancer, INC.
Aljazeera Tonight
Doctors/hospital settingsDelivering Care by Taking a Step Back
Stanford School of Medicine