Harnessing Data to Improve Cancer Care Delivery

We have unique linkages of population-based data to answer questions regarding the delivery of cancer care and outcomes. These data give us the opportunity to ask important questions regarding the care that patients receive after a diagnosis of cancer and the impact on cancer outcomes. Our research also uses big data to answer questions that matter most to cancer stakeholders. We uniquely link big data sets to understand the care that patients receive after a cancer diagnosis and the impact on their outcomes on a population-level.

We have conducted several studies using population-based data sets to understand variations in cancer care and what factors may improve cancer care outcomes.  We have demonstrated the impact of treatment in reducing cancer disparities across several cancers, the influence of social support on cancer outcomes among Hispanic populations in California,  and how care differs based on where you receive your care. Our studies using big data show that there are differences in the way that cancer care is delivered. Many of our studies revealed that worse cancer outcomes for particular racial and ethnic minority groups can be explained by a lack of receipt of evidence-based treatment.



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